Monday, October 10, 2022

Punjab then and now

 Punjab is very interesting state of the country . Story of its valour and bravery are known since ages . What inspires me about this state is Bhagat Singh’s mountainous determination of freedom of the country & his cunning intellect at his age of just 20s. Another interesting character from the same soil was Udham Singh . What would had been the inspiration of revenge in this fellow’s mind who plotted and waited for such a long period to kill the General Diar ?

This September , when I was traveling in Punjab with my Punjabi friend from Chandigarh I tried to dwell down little deeply about the ongoing political , religious and nationalist issues . 

My dear friend , initially hesitate in answering questions directly . His replies were most of philosophical and onus was on me to interpret the answer of my questions out of his philosophical & historical knowledge. 

My questions were around a) Despite Punjab being the land of Guru Gobind Singh , Bhagat Singh , Udham Singh & Lala Lajpat Rai , why there had been state fan of Bhindranwale & separatist. b) what drive the separatist ideology in Punjab , how does people support it ? 

c) Despite being so much hatred against Indra Ghandi after Operation Bluestar , congress has ruled the state for quite long period ? while on the counter side , BJP being a nationalist symbolism had not been able to make significant footprints in Punjab ? 

d) Why Aam Aadmi Party had clean swept in recent legislative assembly elections ? 

e) Was farmer agitation supported by Punjabi farmers in recent past against Modi Goverment ? was it real and grounded without influence of fanatic elements? 

Through the conversation around the above basic questions, I tried to figure out an image and character of Punjab ..! 

Punjab had been first line of defence for the country as and whenever Mugal & other invaders tried to invade the country in the past . To protect themselves and their families they are the one who exposed to the battle of survival. Punjabi had given befitting reply to every invader since ages. 

Origin of Sikh Dharma was based on humanity and valour. “Sava laakh se ek ladaun , tab main Guru Govind singh kahlaun “. My understanding is Sikh’s guru were the messenger of how to live life in those conditions and in uncertainties of attack and war. So the crux of message was very clear that be full of humanity as life is very uncertain and short but at the same time be ready with your arms and ammunition to fight the invaders every time. The philosophy of Gurus would had been really remarkable & unique in its own sense to make balance between humanity & violence. This valour and teachings of Guru’s had percolated into the next generations there over the period . Punjabi’s feel very proud that Maharaja Ranjeet Singh was never ruled by British ruler during his tenure. 

So an openness & independence in their thoughts and an unique culture of making balance between Humanity & Violence has made them unique in their lifestyle . They think beyond nationalism but under humanism . Sense of righteousness prevails in their thought of separatism because it comes under purview of humanism . They think that boundaries divides and openness connects . Guns , swords and arms are symbols of their independence as humans, by which they are still not willing to win the territories but only to protect their own pride . Despite having a huge massacre of 1947 during division of India , they live in harmony with Muslims and other religious followers as on date . Guest is God , this culture prevails in their day by day behaviour. As on today , outsiders might get hesitate in visiting Kashmir due to militancy issues but I am sure for an outsider this would not had been a case to visit Punjab during militancy in 80s . After operation Blue Star , Punjabi’s collective outrage was against Government and it’s head but not against the political parties . Still they feel that Government system driving them from Delhi is suppressing them as a ruler and mostly are not bothered much about it at individual level and they are always ready to make an collective protest against the ruler because this land’s soul is still driven by the essence and ethics of their religious gurus. I am of the view that their lifestyle and thought process of openness disconnects them from nationalism stream and as an outsider observer make them closer to separatist stream. Though there is always a thin thread for any one to prove his loyalty for soil and system , may be Punjabi’s are not as loyal to Delhi’s Government system but one can’t doubt their loyalty for their soil & soul !

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Economics of happiness

What works best is diagnosing the problem first and then finding out suitable and efficient treatment for that . *Economics of happiness *- my understanding goes that entire machinery of government systems are working to know that how can earnings of farmers be doubled by 2022 . Government is taking all proper measures to improve the source of income for public by inviting foreign funds and companies under make in India program and equally providing skills training.
When it comes to knowing root cause for problem , either we ignoring it or we don’t understand our social infrastructure .
Further to elaborate the problem , it lies in our social intricacies,
where we up bring our kids always comparing to the others . Status is determined based on assets, no body is bothered about its process. Illegal ways are welcomed by families to being rich . Rules are decided based on everybody’s comfort ! Killing and loots are taboo in our society while second income of a police man, is talked with great pride while that police man is his own son, for getting an increased dowry.
Trust deficit is on the peak  between the people. Expenditure decision of even a poor man are influenced by the society . Almost everyone tells a lie to second one just to propagate their pseudo status.
My point is to improve our economic health, we must need to improve our social intricacies. Further, that can be done by better education system. I do strongly believe that reason for all the problems in human life is due to ignorance or by not understanding the problem deeply. Well Informed person can always take better decisions.  For understanding problems, one must be educated first . Educated generation can bring desired change to the society . Further, we need to improve our education system. I think current system is not up to the mark . 
Basically, an integrated approach of improving from education to healthcare to social infrastructure to economic development would be the way forward for any activist, government and reformer, who really willing to care about economics of happiness.

A game played under multiple variables - called life!

Life is a very interesting game, which is played among multiple players and under the circumstances of variable rules. Game goes on till last breath and no one wins it . What is important is knowing rules at particular point in time and knowing the fact that rules are variable, can amend in next moment. So one should keep upgrading himself about the updates and amendments . In other words , change is the only constant in the world , otherwise universe is changing every moment. So cope up yourself with changing rules , be aware about and always on toes.
Second interesting part of this game is while you are playing among the players , these players  are also not stagnant by their position . They keep changing their stance , side and tactics every moment. There might be the chances, those were on your side moments before might be with opponent now and in another next moment back with you. Their position also depend on the various games as well , they may be on your side in one game but may not be in next game .
Further to play it well , one should    also have facts with him and avoid the noise. For example , you should estimate the current situation quite well and anticipate the likelihood scenario of amendment in rules during play. One should also consider the interest of teammates in mind , and anticipate the conditions where one can change the side , while their interest has been changed.
Under these multiple variables , it’s not possible to get desirable outcome every time but this should not detract you, every time in following the principles of game. So enjoy your game 😊!

- Bhagwan

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

View about China and Chinese

When you meet US business man in China and ask about his neutral views about both the countries, he makes following points -
1) Chinese have better trust factor between themselves, while every India want to stole or loot the others wealth . Social and culture fabric is much more stronger in Chinese then Indians. Due to this trust factor American prefers working with Chinese, despite they being poor in communication.
2) American ( He) does not like blank faces of Chinese during roaming around and interaction ( while going for buying anything in the market , Chinese does not even smile and wave off in smiley manner) , opposite to this they also not like Indian's over reactions and overselling attitude as well, let them be sober.
On my argument that , once larger pie of wealth will flow to us , Indian will also become social and trustworthy to each other - he gives interesting facts of China and South Korea , both were social and trustworthy even when these countries were poor. I thought of Nepal , people are more trustworthy though not very rich !
2) He feels more safe in Chines exteriors then India , while traveling.
3) Chinese are not innovative and not have very high ambitions of owning a company and being CEOs while Indian's are much more innovative and pragmatic in their approach .
4) Now a days, effluent Chinese are chasing Western universities for their kids education and they feel one notch up in ladder , same is the scenario with India.

My personal observations with China and Chines goes like this - biggest and most imperative reason for China's success has been their communist government and slave mind set of people - they have to just follow their king's wish . Hence , it was their king's will to come out of poorness. He provided road map for that to the public and public followed it blindly . Though we can call it their slavery of mind but in other aspect it also looks like trusting their leader utmost - which I think very important factor of their progress - no body questioned top leadership, public end up in good to do position. I am not against the democracy but too much democracy makes ruin of too many neive people who does not understand even meaning of it .
Chinese don't have envy with Indian and with each other though there may be some political issues.
As a person they feel themselves underdogs in maximum fields against Indians, - this seems another reason of their success .
I sense that even today - they don't realize or it's does not reflect in their attitude that they are so rich or second economy of the world .

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Trade off- significance in sociaty

Trade off - very interesting word in economics, similar interesting in social life. While playing chess, sometimes I am interested in calculating trade offs between Queen and other twos and vice-versa .
Let me directly come to the point -
A very old, reputed and respected Hindu organization in India , where I used to be part of it almost for 2 years for full time and another 2-3 years part time. My understanding about this organization depends on two factors, first  I lived full time for 2years on district level office where Pracharak and other related people were living full time there and their activities were always in-front of my eyes. All the major activities of this organization were being controlled from that office. Influential people of city associated with organization used to visit it occasionally. So I got enough interaction opportunity with most of the people associated with it full time or part time.Second, I was too young ( 14-16 years old) to judge philosophy of an organization at that point in time.

It took me almost a decade to decide to be or not to be with the philosophy of organization. Though , still I am not pretty sure whether it's philosophy is right or not right in larger interest of society.
In my personal view , this organization has two flip sides , one is very constructive, disciplinary and character building of a person by practicing daily Shakha's and Baudhiks ( speeches). This side gives you proud of being Hindu, being Indian , being associated with organization, believing in brotherhood and extending helping hands for the people in any kind of emergency.

However, flip side of this organization leads you to be extremist and radical in your thought process. These people question, role of Mahatma Ghandhi and many other freedom fighters in our independence. Some time, they introduce their role models from history , and claim them to be more superior than the existing ones with whom you are much familiars.
Most importantly, ostensibly, they pronounced that they believe in brotherhood-ness and are not against any religion, particularly Muslims. As a matter of fact, they are one, who sow hate seeds in your fertile brain at very early stage against Muslims by telling you stories related Mughal,s attack over India and Muslim ruled us for centuries before English. Without actual realization, your brain will be hijacked for radical and extremist thinking. Once you are in circle , rather than judging your stance your priorities become to bring in more radical people or make people with extremist thought in the circle.
Here concept of trade off is very important , which took me almost many years to decide to be associated with organization by considering benefits of it or leave it by considering drawbacks.
I still believe that many good people also belongs to the same organization, who lead from front and represented country's top post. These people are much focused on character building and takes pride of being Hindu but are not tilted towards the flip side of coin, owning some body, s mind against Muslims and any other religion. I am still in touch with many individuals belongs to the organization and visit them occasionally.
Another difference between this Hindu organization and other radical thinking organizations ( antagonists) , I found that this organization is very soft but continuous in hammering your brain to be extremist in your thoughts , while antagonist seems very tough in this regard. That may be another reason of surviving this organization for such a longer period and its acceptance in society.
Though my cause of worry  is that people already with radical thought are finding this organization suitable  platform to nurture their extremism, and becoming more dangerous for society in their thought process. I request organization to dilute their agendas some where and being crystal clear in their philosophy and goals to save the society before saving the nation.

Friday, June 28, 2013

My maiden voting right experience!!!

I was on the way from Delhi to my village,on one Friday evening, in the month of June 2007. Day was too hot to get out of the home during the day, hence I preferred evening 5 O'clock to take ride on my Pulsar 150cc.I have been always crazy for its riding and 130 KM distance from Delhi to village was a matter of two and half hour fun for me. However, on that evening riding was not for fun but for another cause, which was exciting me of my importance, responsibility, maturity and above all citizenship right. Yeah...on next day morning I was suppose to use  my maiden citizenship right  by casting a vote in Gram Panchayat Election . Thanks to Indian democracy and system of electing our representative by way of voting process, so that,  it gives millions of people a moment of pride of being citizen of it, at least once in five year. Otherwise most of the time, we are treated as poor, helpless, mango people, made for extortion, zero value of no importance etc. My chest widen by inch  when I felt  importance of my voting right, for which, I got a special invitation from 2 different contestants to come to village on each ones expenditure. Best of my memory, one of them has never exchanged any word of good or bad wishes with me in the last 25 years of my life.Though, second one was my neighbor, who has been in usual touch and pretended to be my well wisher always.

Mudilia is just 130 Km away from Delhi's Nizamuddin Bus Stand  but inconvenience of connectivity  to main roads and towns widens the gap and Delhi seems far away from. However, presently, Yamuna Express way has linked it to Noida and has reduced the distance to 60 Km only. Including one more small village, i.e Khanpur (~200 voters), which is the part of the same Gram Panchayat, there would be total ~1500 voters in 2007. The stories of Gram Panchayat elections have always been very  interesting and funny in my village, but this time I got an opportunity to watch it closely and to withdrew some interesting facts. Actually, Mudilia is again divided in two small villages i.e Mudilia (Badi) and Mudilia (Chhoti). Luckily, I was born in Mudilia Badi and was always full of vanity of belonging. However, there was nothing big in Mudilia Badi except big by population (~800 voters), or suffice to say that it was smaller economically, literally and culturally, which I realized later on.

Elections are contested there by keeping larger view  in mind of  Kunba, where voters are allured firstly on the basis of village and then Kunba. Since the time of independence, I never heard of any Pradhan was elected from  Khanpur village, because of its cult of being smaller by population. Hence, it is oblivious to understand that most of the time Pradhani crown  went to Mudilia (Badi). This time game was between three players Ranveer Singh and Ashok from Mudilia (Badi) and Chander from Mudilia (Chhoti).
There are 3 Kunba's in each Mudilia (Badi and Chhoti). In Mudilia Badi largest one Kunba known as Sataua, second large is Bhakhar and third one is Tihaua. Certain number of migrants also have adjusted themselves as part of either one of these Kunba, depending on their ancestor's belongings to any of these. Ranveer Singh is a migrant (know as pie in local language) but belongs to Bhakhar and his father (Chhatter Singh) enjoyed Pradhani's Crown for almost 15 years. Best trick worked in his favor was disputed land issue between Chhela (Ashok's father who was from Satua's Kunaba) and Radha (from Tihua's Kunaba), where Chatter Singh always and strongly supported Chhela and helped him in legal proceedings due to his contacts with government Babus and Police officers, as a result most of the votes from Satua's Kunaba was in his favor. On the other hand,  he was successful in gathering most of votes of his own Kunba i.e Bhakar. Additionally, his heroic image, well known personality and most importantly  closeness with bureaucrats helped him to garner the votes of poor and schedule caste group, which is known as deciding factor in wining the elections. The illiteracy and ignorance of law and order are big fears for most of these people, who are always afraid of any issue which is associated with Police and Judiciary etc. Hence, multiple factors worked in his favor or may be it was his political trick to keep alive land dispute for longer period, which benefited him in three consecutive wins in Gram Panchayat elections.

 Though in 2007, things were different , Chhatter Singh died in the year 2002 and land dispute issue was almost in favor of Chhela after ~30 years of legal and physical fights. Ashok (son of Chhela), who returned to the village after retirement from Indian Army, took aggressive stance in local politics and elected Gram Panchat Head (Pradhan) two consecutive times  before 2007. In his first election (1997) he cheated Ranveer  by promising  him favor for BDC elections, which were held simultaneously. He kept Ranveer  in the dark up to the last day of elections and  favored Prempal (another guy from his own Kunaba). This incident disappointed very much to Ranveer Singh and  friendship and closeness of two families turned into bitterness and separated each-other. Ashok betrayed Ranveer, whom father was legal adviser and supporter of Ashok's father in land dispute case and helped him in winning the  case ultimately.Though, Chhela (Ashok's father) was very much disappointed from this event and he consent his guilt some where in his inner self and was seen rarely in public meetings due to his betrayal image. On the other side, Ashok was having different view, according to him, Chhattar Singh had  cheated his father on financial front for almost thirty years of his life and had taken double amount, what was actually bribed for Government Babus, Lawyers, Police Officers and other legal issues.Transfer of  power and ideas in between generations had never been a smooth process in Indian history, either it has hearten ancestors or disappointed predecessors to survive in old cage. Many times  this disappointment leads to frustrations and finally to revolts. 

This time Ranveer Singh was preparing to  head on directly with Ashok and was willful to take revenge of 1,997 defeat and betrayal. Due to anti- incumbency factor Khanpur villager's  were likely to vote against Ashok, but at the same time they never favored any contestant from Mudilia Chhoti. Hence, Ranveer  was appropriate and only option for them to choose. Also, they had been supporter of Chhatter Singh in his tenure. Anti-incumbency  factor in Khanpur, (which can work only in that village due to neutrality ) , certain sycophants of Chhatter Singh were ready to favor his son and to go against their own Kunba's candidate i.e. Ashok,  illusion of getting healthy voting sharing of schedule cast and support by his own Kunba i.e Bhakhar were  four main factors to keep Ranveer alive in the race.

On the other side, Mudilia Chhoti also has three Kunbas i.e Tihaua, (largest by population), Pachaua (second large) and Sataua (smallest) with total ~ 500 voters. Chander belongs to Pachaua group and he was never wishful to fight election but due to his integrity and kindness image, he was pushed into the battle ground by certain pseudo intellectuals of village.Their ostensible purpose was favorism of him but actually they all were lobbying against Ashok, who was suppose to make hat trick of winning three consecutive elections in a row. Among the lobbyist,  two lead people were from Mudilia Baddi, my father Bijendra Singh and his close aide Bhudeva (allies Rao Saab). My father was having strong grip in his own Kunba i.e Bhakhar and has always  been in opposition of Ashok's family since the time of land dispute between him (Ashok) and Radha, despite that his relations were  normal with Chhatter Singh due to neighborhood. On the other side Rao Saab was a migrant, though he was part of  Sataua's Kunba but never ever favored Ashok's family. His strength was his own large family of almost 100 voters and his shrewd political tricks. For implementing these tricks he always used credibility of my father's face value.    

Now it was a triangle fight between three contestants and outcome was to be very exciting. Ashok was overconfident of striking hat trick. Ranveer was also confident but quite nervous due to partition of votes in the same village while Chander was solo contestant from his own village. My father and Rao Saab were supporting Ranveer ostensibly but were well aware of the fact that he was hardly to be a winning horse. At the same time it was necessary to keep him in race till the final moment to assure Ashok's defeat. Because, he was to divert certain votes of Sataua's Kunba, who were along with him due to his father's face value, certain votes of Khanpur, who were along with him due to anti-incumbency but were not willing to vote for Chander due to unusual relation with his village and obliviously most of votes of his own Kunba i.e Bhakar.  

In my view, this was the entire theme of political game where shrewdness worked and was required. The goal of Ranveer Singh, my father and Rao Saab was same, defeat of Ashok. But, three were having different game plans. Ranveer was willing to defeat him along with greed for power, while my father and Rao Saab were plotting the plan to bring his (Ashok's) arrogance down on the ground. For which these both were willing  Ranveer Singh to remain in the fight till last moment, which was likely to divide certain votes of Sataua's (Ashok's Kunba)  Khanpur's and Bhaker's  in favor of him, who were supposed to go back to Ashok in absence of Ranveer's candidature.  Though, second game plan of the situation would had been shared with Ranveer, which was serving his ostensible purpose also of defeating Ashok but biggest risk to that  was Ranveer's swinging nature and  his likely dilution with Ashok. Greediness has never been a good idea for constructive works. However, certain close allies of Ranveer informed him of dual political trick of Rao Saab of internally supporting Chander and ostensibly being with him. This was the right time where Rao Saab en-cashed my father's face value, who was known for his morals, integrity and commitments. As a result, Ranveer was entrapped in pseudo-confidence.  This entire situation for my father was like of Yudhister, when he was asked by Dronacharya in Kurushetra for confirmation of Aswasthama's death. My father's integrity, face value and Rao Saab's shrewdness kept Ranveer alive in the race almost for twenty days and till the last moment, who was blind with greed and could not sense their motive.

As it was expected, voters of Satua's, Bhakher, Khanpur and schedule castes were divided between Ranveer and Ashok.   Tihaua's votes, though small in count , who were real foes of Ashok and  Ranveer was also never  favorite for them due to his father's open support to Chhela in land dispute case, went in favor of Chander. Along with that, Rao Saab and my family's members also caste their voting rights for Chander except two individual votes of Rao Saab and my father, who were liable and committed to  vote in favor of Ranveer only. Though it was heard that certain votes from Mudilia Chhoti were caste against Chander and in favor of Ashok, but those were very few in numbers to make any difference. I was very much confused till the last moment of deciding my vote at polling booth. In my view, this was betrayal to go against Ranveer but I was having faith and confidence in my father's view of never being wrong, which  compelled me to vote in favor of Chander. That was probably the last time when my arguments bowed down against my father's mount peaking personality. Though he did not insist me to vote for Chander but I could not collect courage to go against his cause. Ultimately I end up by stamping my maiden voting right against my will and in favor of my father's cause.
Though, most of people, including of opposition party,  were almost sure for Chander's win but I was predicting it to be very close fight. Finally, hard work and shrewd tricks of Rao Saab's paid his way and after ten days of election I heard news of Chander's victory by the margin of  11 votes only, inline with my guess. Later on Ranveer also realized that perhaps it was hard to win for him in this situation but his candidature helped in assuring Ashok's defeat, which was a satisfactory note for him. He usually calls himself BAZIGAR (Har ke jeetne wale ko Bazigar kahte hain). He never complained of my father & Rao Saab's stance on that situation, infect he started admiring them for their political vision. My father is no more in this world but Ranveer still has very usual relations with my family & with Rao Saab's also. He can be seen in long discussions with Rao Saab randomly. Perhaps he still have political ambitions in his life and might be learning certain tricks from Rao Saab. On my next trip to my village, when I went to meet Rao Saab on his house he had been rewarded with the new name "Chankaya of Mudilia's politics". Though Rao Saab is not exposed to corporate level but leadership qualities not have any walls. Surely I am keen to imbibe some of his tricks and want to nurture them to give giant shape in corporate world. I strongly believe that most of big ideas are born inside 10x10 laboratory.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Too big to fail

"Too big to fail" is very popular theory in economics. I don't know very precise meaning of that but some how I sense two meaning out of is that country can not afford the failure of a big institution due to post disastrous consequences (chain reaction) of the event. Second...its all about of arrogance of large institutions, who strongly believe that they are immortal. Just to bring in notice ....both theories are irrelevant in practical term. Fall of LTCM to Lehman Brothers have been classic example in US history.
In India,  Despite sensing the horrified consequences post "1998 Nuclear Test", Indian Government took the decision to go ahead with that. Once again at this time, I would like to remind the events of Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement & death of Gaddafi in Libya , which were almost impossible to imagine before it happened.

Although, I am not a big admirer of Arvind Kejriwal but today's his demand of cancellation of Bank licenses of HDFC bank, Axis Bank & ICICI bank, post money laundering exposure by Cobra Post & than reaction of many readers on that was very surprising to me. Arvind demanded what would have been morally and patriotically right.If these banks or any other institution can not prioritize country's benefit, I think it has no  rights to run its operations more. But reactions of readers were like that  he (Arvind) was demanding like a naughty & stub burned child for bringing moon on earth. Most of the readers were of the view that canceling license of  these banks is impossible, will not be right decision for economy and will be a full of emotions. It may lead to inefficiencies in the banking and financial system & millions of people will became unemployed.

So far it looks that message from public is very clear, whenever it comes to the government & politicians, we all are echoing same voice that Government & politicians are corrupt but at the same time, we don't want to give-off our jobs  for saying no to bad practices.
In another way, given the few examples above in discussion from Lehman Brother's to India's Nuclear Test....forget to sense that we can not afford cancellations of banks licences & removal of other bad practices in India...but the realty is that we are in very comfort zone of saying no to these all........we can not afford short term pains for long term gains.  Race in between and easy access to short cuts have ruined our patriotism.  Finally, we don't want to be change, we want to see.