Thursday, July 5, 2018

Economics of happiness

What works best is diagnosing the problem first and then finding out suitable and efficient treatment for that . *Economics of happiness *- my understanding goes that entire machinery of government systems are working to know that how can earnings of farmers be doubled by 2022 . Government is taking all proper measures to improve the source of income for public by inviting foreign funds and companies under make in India program and equally providing skills training.
When it comes to knowing root cause for problem , either we ignoring it or we don’t understand our social infrastructure .
Further to elaborate the problem , it lies in our social intricacies,
where we up bring our kids always comparing to the others . Status is determined based on assets, no body is bothered about its process. Illegal ways are welcomed by families to being rich . Rules are decided based on everybody’s comfort ! Killing and loots are taboo in our society while second income of a police man, is talked with great pride while that police man is his own son, for getting an increased dowry.
Trust deficit is on the peak  between the people. Expenditure decision of even a poor man are influenced by the society . Almost everyone tells a lie to second one just to propagate their pseudo status.
My point is to improve our economic health, we must need to improve our social intricacies. Further, that can be done by better education system. I do strongly believe that reason for all the problems in human life is due to ignorance or by not understanding the problem deeply. Well Informed person can always take better decisions.  For understanding problems, one must be educated first . Educated generation can bring desired change to the society . Further, we need to improve our education system. I think current system is not up to the mark . 
Basically, an integrated approach of improving from education to healthcare to social infrastructure to economic development would be the way forward for any activist, government and reformer, who really willing to care about economics of happiness.

A game played under multiple variables - called life!

Life is a very interesting game, which is played among multiple players and under the circumstances of variable rules. Game goes on till last breath and no one wins it . What is important is knowing rules at particular point in time and knowing the fact that rules are variable, can amend in next moment. So one should keep upgrading himself about the updates and amendments . In other words , change is the only constant in the world , otherwise universe is changing every moment. So cope up yourself with changing rules , be aware about and always on toes.
Second interesting part of this game is while you are playing among the players , these players  are also not stagnant by their position . They keep changing their stance , side and tactics every moment. There might be the chances, those were on your side moments before might be with opponent now and in another next moment back with you. Their position also depend on the various games as well , they may be on your side in one game but may not be in next game .
Further to play it well , one should    also have facts with him and avoid the noise. For example , you should estimate the current situation quite well and anticipate the likelihood scenario of amendment in rules during play. One should also consider the interest of teammates in mind , and anticipate the conditions where one can change the side , while their interest has been changed.
Under these multiple variables , it’s not possible to get desirable outcome every time but this should not detract you, every time in following the principles of game. So enjoy your game 😊!

- Bhagwan